
Below are a number of personal finance articles which I wrote for local financial portal Dr Wealth.  

Confessions of an Everyday Investor Successful investing isn’t just for the Warren Buffets and Peter Lynches of the world. It can also work for everyday people like you and I, says self-taught investor Lum Yin Peng. The key to success: 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. More here.

Men versus Women: Who's Better with Money?  As the cliched saying goes: men are from Mars, women are from Venus.  We take a closer look at the gender gap and explore whether there are any differences in the way men and women think about money. More here.

The Costs of Tuition. And of Skipping Tuition  The tuition industry in Singapore is worth a whopping S$1.1 billion. We calculate the financial costs of sending your child to tuition and the social costs if you decide to leave your child to the vagaries of the school system. More here.

Honey, let's talk about Money Management Money Management might seem like the most unromantic subject in the word but it's essential if a marriage wants to start on the right footing. So, how do you broach it? More here.